The Picture Hoarder's Memories and Thoughts

Beijing on a good evening.

Dug out a number of old pictures, sent some of them across to a few people included in those pictures, you know everyone's come a long way. I still have my old devices for pictures and my music, I love my old songs! music made better sense years ago...once in a while I go back to listen to old songs. If there are three things that bring back memories...for me they'll have to be Music, Pictures and weirdly enough or not, Fragrances. In fact! i've gotten a refill of a cologne just because of the memories it holds, am I weird? LOL

Seems my generation isn't doing so well at keeping pictures. My parents were the ultimate photographers back then! They made sure to capture almost every moment and then fill albums on albums with these pictures, not just albums my friends, boxes and boxes, we never got tired of perusing through pictures, and basically watching ourselves grow through pictures. Amazing if you ask me. These days when you go pay someone a visit, they don't give you an album of pictures anymore, they're forced to give you their wifi password or if you're a regular visitor you're already connected *side eye* lol I'm guilty too (face palm).

Good thing about pictures is in 10 years you'll look back at them and memories come flooding back even if you forget them in the process of growing up and otherwise. My mum usually says 'never delete pictures' makes sense tbh. Every time I send a particular friend some of these pictures she calls my phone a museum, it is a museum indeed. I can never seem to choose which pictures to delete, maybe it's just that thing that comes with being a lover of photography. Most people hoard lots of other things they choose to hoard that you know seems hoard-able (is that even a word ? -_-), I hoard pictures, you may call me the Picture Hoarder, I'm Perfectly fine with it.

Music Update: Two songs that I'm interested in at the moment are
- Reekado Banks' Chop am
- Chingam by Sarkodie ft Bisa Kdei

Reekado Banks is a natural, looking forward to more from him, and the beat! we live for Nigerian music beats these days anyway, Don Jazzy will always be that producer! song makes me move!!! sure club banger. I love Ghanaian music, love! Sarkodie has my heart, for some strange strange reason I quite like the language, now even if I don't know what this Chingam song is about I love how it sounds, I have a Ghanaian friend so I'll just ask her.

Until next time loves, take care and God bless you all x
