The Blogger's Maze

Where have you been? What have you been doing? Why haven't you been writing? 
What Is going on with you? What is going on with your blog?

 These questions hit me like shots fired from a pistol. Shot after shot these questions pop up in my head, I close my eyes for a second and in black and white they appear, boldly written in caps lock on the walls of my memory, in my mind's eye. Creating in me a sick feeling as I turn the other way. Tied down by imaginary limitations, Ridiculous!

As I think to myself at this moment, most of the time you are your own prisoner, you hold yourself back, you stand behind bars but you're not enclosed in a cubicle, no cubicle, just bars. 

You get me? 
You can step out from the left or the right or simply push the damn bars to the ground and trample upon them. You know? The psyche is fragile, it is easily messed up. Faster than the speed of light and *Boom* it drops to the ground and shatters into a million pieces. I love to write, engage my innermost thoughts, make it as graphic as possible, engage you my reader. Oh my dear reader, have you missed me? Don't you feel like you're in this moment with me? Of course you do.

'Like everything else, trends are for a while, but style is forever' - Daisy Emenike. 

The blogger's maze, most times a nightmare other times a dark somewhat formless figure, following me in broad daylight as I shuffle past a growing number of people to get to my comfort zone. Yes dramatic! But real as real can get.  It's always a battle between moving forward and constantly looking over my shoulder, or perhaps keeping a beam of light in the darkness to tame the monster under my bed. 6 months down the line and I'm back on track. Nudged ever so softly by a number of people but lastly pushed by my father. 

"That should not stop you".

Indeed, once you fall you get up, easier said than done but eventually you must, no matter how long it takes. Will things be different? Yes. Change is important, Change is good, Change is proof of forging ahead. Change is proof that failure is not an option, for if you remain in one position, that is stagnation, that is failure. 

This comes naturally to me, I am a bucket of talents, if I'm not sure of anything else, this I'm sure of, and it would be selfish of me to keep them away from the world. For the Lord has placed in my heart a shining light.

So to those who kept me in their thoughts and prayers, and those genuinely bothered by my absence, cheers to putting out the official 1st post of the year, I'm back...For good this time. 

Peace and Love x
Daisy Emenike 


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